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Check out our gallery of "Charms" — personalized GIFs you can text out at scale!

Supercharge your campaign.

Upgrade your texting with integrated data, automated workflows, and magical AI. 🪄

Current Features


Personalized GIFs that boost engagement.

Charms are a brand new way to scale effective outreach, with every single recipient getting a custom, personalized GIF that auto-plays on their phone.


Workflows that save time.

Automations make it easy to build custom sequences to welcome new members, thank donors, engage volunteers, and more.


Texting campaigns that drive impact.

Texting is woven throughout the Daisychain platform -- send all your initial messages with a single click, and measure and optimize every campaign you send. Deep integrations with fundraising and event tools enable form pre-fills, conversion tracking, and post-action automation.


Supporter journeys that get results.

Pathways empower organizers to build a scalable process to move people to action.


A lightweight CRM that creates better engagement.  

People are at the heart of Daisychain -- not flat lists of phone numbers. Track, target, and understand real people as they engage with your organization over time through a variety of channels.


Work management that gets things done.

Assignments let you create clear accountability and ensure work gets done at scale.


Targeting tools that streamline workflows.

Targeting lets you cut lists directly within the platform — and helps ensure you can reach and organize exactly the right audience.

Have questions about our features?  Drop us a line.

See  Daisychain  In  Action

This short video provides a demonstration of Daisychain's basic features.
We can't cover everything in three minutes, so schedule a demo today.

Integrated by Design

Daisychain is built from the ground up to integrate with a broad ecosystem of tools, so you can spend less time wrangling data and more time making authentic connections.
Don't see the integration you're looking for? Maybe we'll build it! Get in touch.

Use Daisychain to...

Get Out the Vote

Use Daisychain to conduct highly-personalized, engaging voter mobilization campaigns.

Develop Leaders

Create a structured plan to track and engage people on their journey towards leadership.

Cultivate Donors

Turn supporters into sustainers through authentic outreach that meets people where they are.

Recruit For Events

Drive attendance with personal messages that outperform social media and mass email.

Welcome New Members

Make a great first impression with a friendly, efficient onboarding conversation.

Integrate Data & Tools

Knit your tools together to eliminate data silos and see the big picture.

Who We Work With

Progressive organizations around the world trust Daisychain to help engage, organize, and mobilize their communities.

And many more!

Proceed With Confidence

Easy for everyone.

Daisychain is designed to be simple and intuitive, so it’s not just for techies.

Help when you need it.

If you ever hit a wall, real live humans are standing by to provide support and training.

Migration support.

Daisychain makes it easy to import data, create custom fields, and deduplicate records.

Progressive partners.

Daisychain is a public benefit corporation, and we only work with values-aligned organizations and campaigns.

Specialized expertise.

Daisychain is built by veteran technologists who understand the challenges of organizing.

Solid and secure.

Daisychain is designed from the ground up to prioritize scalability and security.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have unanswered questions? Get in touch

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